cmApp is cmZone’s handheld twin with very similar functionality but always in your delegate’s hands. With this conference app, COVR enables attendees to access lecture content, lecture schedules, floor plans and networking services from their iOS or Android mobile.
With cmApp, delegates can:
- Monitor schedule information and plan session attendance before or during the event.
- Look up session chair and presenter details and plan on making personal connections during the conference.
- Search, find and view programme and exhibitor information, plan exhibition attendance and locate exhibitors or seminar rooms on the venue floor plan.
- Consult a faculty index and author index and link through to related session, presentation or poster information or abstract.
- Take notes before or during sessions and organise personal participation information.
- Consult general conference information
Powerful pre-conference and Onsite tool
Having all conference information on a mobile device is a powerful proposition. With the ability to load general information, preliminary programme information, abstract guidelines and much more in the app from the moment the conference is announced, the mobile application becomes much more than an onsite tool. Candidate attendees who install the app early in the planning process receive updated information on their handheld device each time more details about the conference are made available. With this direct link to the conference in the hands of potential delegates, cmApp becomes a prime marketing tool as well as a powerful onsite companion for delegates.
Want to know more about cmApp
Would you like to go through everything in detail? Download the onepager. The covered topics are:
- The app as a sales and marketing tool
- How cmApp always displays accurate information
- The app as a medium to bring users together